In 1959, as a four-year-old just starting dance lessons, I visited my dance teacher’s apartment. It was like stepping into another world filled with color and personality! My attention was drawn to a small china hutch displaying bright, colorful dishes. My young eyes had never seen a set of dishes made up of so many different colors! She invited me to sit down at her table to enjoy some cookies and fruit. I don’t remember what kind of cookie I chose, but the memory of the turquoise plate it sat on is vivid! My dance teacher’s personality was as vibrant and colorful as her Fiesta Ware.
When I was in high school, my dance teacher suddenly passed away. It was a sad time for the whole community. She had not only taught her students to dance, but to smile and let our unique personalities shine. After her death, her husband gave me some of her Fiesta Ware. Fifty years later, I still feel the same passion that I felt when I first saw it in her hutch. The bright colors help me remember to smile and celebrate every day.
As a post script to this story, we purchased some new Fiesta Ware this weekend at Kohl's. It was 50% off and we were lucky enough to get a coupon for another 30% off. I just couldn't resist. So here's a picture of Roland's salad on a new Fiesta plate. It was like a party eating salad tonight!
Oh, I have always loved the fiesta ware, too!
Loved reading your comments! Wish I had known Betty Mae.
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