Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Naomi's New Baby Owl

One day after Christmas, Naomi and I went to Goodwill to find a walrus. We found three little walruses to add to her stuffed animal collection (now there are four!), but the most special surprise was finding Starfoot Owl!! We named him Fluffball and you can surely see why! Isn't he fluffy and "like a ball"? And you can see Naomi is very happy to have Fluffball as her pet. You never know what treasure you might find at Goodwill!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tappin' to the Music

We just completed a 3-day gig tapping for the Lion's Club Fundraiser. It was just like being in Lawrence Welk with singing and dancing. My mom and dad would have been in heaven watching it--oh, I guess they are! Anyway, tapping can be a lot of fun. How do you like our new blue costumes? Can you find me? The Tellico Tappers also have a website and I guess you could call me the Tellico Tappers Webmaster. If you like, you can visit it at: tellicotappers.com. I'm pretty proud of being able to put this little website together! The part that was most magical to me was getting search engines to pick our site up. But it happened!