Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm gonna miss . . . .

I'm gonna miss the syndicated column by Jeff Opdyke entitled "Love and Money" that's been published in the Knoxville News Sentinel for the past six years. They shared "with millions of readers every week the good, the bad and sometimes ugly sides of (their) financial life. (They) opened (their) pocketbook to inspection in the hopes that (their) experiences with money, and the problems (they) faced and the solutions (they) arrived at, might help others confronting similar circumstances." And who doesn't face similar circumstances?? And all too often we feel that financial matters are too personal to talk about. (Sometimes even with our spouse!) As Roland says, "Needs are so different for each individual." Well, if you've never had the chance to read this informative and entertaining column, here's a link to one: (You'll have to copy and paste it.)

I see that Jeff Opdyke has a book out "Love and Money". It'd be a great book to have, but I kinda liked it in the small dose of a weekly article.

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