Thursday, September 20, 2018

Time to Get Away!

The wildfires, my bum foot and the political climate have been causing some dismay in our lives, so we decided it was time to get away. Off we went to Delta and Capitol Reef September 6-9. It was very good to get out of town for a bit.

Our first stop was Leamington. We had to stop because I saw on the side of the street an old Phillips 66 station with old cars in front of it. It was as if the people just deserted their vehicles years ago and it has remained as it was! It seemed as if it could have been some kind of old museum, but nothing had been maintained as a museum would have been and windows had been broken, etc.

 However, this old gas pump that pumped Ethyl gasoline (leaded) is gleaming! And did you see the price of gasoline per gallon? (37 cents/gallon!)

Then we headed down to Delta to visit the Topaz Museum.

Below is information quoted from a memorial found on site.

"Over 120,00 Japanese-Americans, two thirds of whom are U.S. citizens, are uprooted from their west coast homes and incarcerated by their own government. It is 1942, wartime hysteria is at a peak. They are imprisoned in ten inland concentration camps where they remain behind barbed wire, under suspicion and armed guards for up to 3 1/2 years. Topaz is one of the ten camps. Without hearings or trials, this act of injustice is based soley on the color of their skin and the country of their origin. America's fear and distrust of these citizens--precipitated by Japan's attack upon Pearl Harbor--is placated. Lost within this rush to judgment is the denial of constitutional rights, major losses of personal property and the labeling of its own citizens as enemy. Ironically, though this mas incarceration is spearheaded by thoughts of disloyalty, not a single case of espionage against the U.S. is ever discovered. Indeed, the 442nd RCT and 100th Battalion, composed entirely of young Japanese-American boys (many of who volunteer from internment camps), suffer major war casualties and go on the become the U.S. Army's most highly-decorated combat unit in its history. Topaz is closed in October of 1945. The memory of Topaz remains a tribute to a people whose faith and loyalty was steadfast--while America's had faltered."

We visited the concentration camp and the three images below show some of what we saw of the remains.

It was a sobering experience to visit this museum and the site of the concentration camp. One of the individuals who lived through this awful ordeal is quoted on the the wall of the museum.

"We had the Constitution to protect us in 1942. It didn't because the will of the people (wasn't) behind it." --Gordon Hirabayshi

Oh, that we can learn from history and be the haven of "liberty and justice for all" that we claim our country to be as we say our "Pledge of Allegiance"!

Back on the Road!!

We arrived in Torrey in the evening after a drive through some beautiful southern Utah scenery.

 Here is the view from our hotel door at the Rim Rock Hotel. It was so very peaceful. The air was clean and the scenery majestic.
 This photo was taken on the other side of the hotel. You can see the rainbow appearing. The streaks of lightening crackling through the sky were breath-taking sights, too.
 We ate at the award-winning restaurant at the hotel. Here is the view from the restaurant that we shared with this little hummingbird.
 This was our dinner. When it comes to meat, I don't have the most adventurous palate, and I often claim to not like fish, but here you can see trout, quail and buffalo brats along with a honey glazed squash on my plate. Roland and I split an entree, and I knew Roland would be more than happy to help me with anything I couldn't handle, but it all was delish.
Here's the centerpiece on our table. What a great dining experience. We felt we had arrived into another time and place. That's what one wants when they need to get away!
The room wasn't anything to brag about, but I love the print that was on the wall. It's by an artist, Jim Rey and entitled "The Legend Wall". I've seen several walls like this covered with petroglyphs since I've lived here in Utah. One was Newspaper Rock on the road to Canyonlands and others at Bear's Ear National Monument. I like that the artist chose to place a contemporary Indian--along with his horse--to view these petroglyphs created by Pre-Puebloan people--perhaps his very ancestors.

Now for some of the sights we saw at Capitol Reef. Capitol Reef was established as a National Park in 1971. It's name comes from a dome atop one of the formation that explorers felt resembled the domes of our capitol buildings. And "Reef" is used because the explorers who found this place were once sailors who called formations which were hard to cross "reefs".

 This is on the way to Cassidy Archway viewpoint. We went about .5 miles on this trail before I decided I need not injure my foot any more than it already was. But, oh, what a view!

Since hiking couldn't be in our plans, we were limited somewhat in what we were able to do. So the next day we traveled a car tour recommended by our host at our VRBO room.

First we traveled up to Dixie National Forest. Below are some of the views we saw there.

Then we traveled through Boulder (town) and Burr Trail through a corner of Escalante, some private lands, and back through Capitol Reef. These pictures don't really catch the majesty of the views we enjoyed. But they're all I've got! This earth has been around a long, long time and seen many changes over the course of that time.

I love this picture. The way the light hits the mountains and the ground make such a significant difference in what the viewer gets to see! The light changes continually, therefore the landscape does, too. That's one of my favorite things about living in Utah and living in the mountains. How can such big, majestic mountains be continually changing! 

It was a great trip! Roland rose early a couple of the mornings we were at Capitol Reef to go out searching for petrified wood and he found some nice pieces to decorate our garden with. We ate some good food, saw some beautiful country and even learned a few things! What a great getaway! And it's not so far that we can't go back and enjoy it all again in new and different ways.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Topsail Island 2018

It was such a pleasure to return to the beach where many memories were born with our family. We. found a place that reasonably fit our family's needs with three cabins. Above are Sierra, Bonny and Norma posing by the front of Simple Serenity, the property in which we spent the week.

Here's Madelyn, being the amazing boogie boarder she is at only 16 months old! As you can see in the picture above, she was fearless and would have gladly gone out on her own! She was just that brave.
However, we didn't let her go out on her own. Here you can see Sierra and Kirsten joining her in the fun.
Topsail Island is the best. It has everything--good waves, sea shells, fossilized shark teeth. Topsail can give one the feel of being in nature, yet if one craves more noise, shopping and activity (like awesome crabbing!), it's not far away. I, personally, try to avoid getting in a car for just the one week at the beach! Above is a picture of Brian, Norma and Roland out on a shark tooth hunting expedition.
Here's Sierra on our first day at the beach. She was so good to her Nana. Every time she went out to the beach, she invited me to come along and would wait patiently for me to do all the stuff a Nana feels she needs to do before she can come out. I know I had more fun because of her presence! Thank you, Sierra!
Emily, Sierra and I went on a walk together. The photo above was taken under the pier, which was just a short walk away. Sierra was the photographer!
What do you think Sierra and Emily are visitin' about in this picture?  Maybe they're just talkin' about whose gonna get the best tan this week! Put your crazy and creative minds to work and let me know what you think they might be chatting about.
Here's Owen, Reagan and Madelyn. See how Madelyn is eyeing Reagan's ice cream cone??
No problem! Reagan lovingly and generously shared her cone with her little sister! So glad I got to witness this event. It was so tender! A lick for Madelyn, a lick for Reagan. A bite for Madelyn, a bite for Reagan. I need to give artistic credit to Sierra for the two pictures above.
My photographer, Sierra, also took this shot of Madelyn and Reagan with their Aunt Bonny. It's good to get reacquainted with family. Especially when we can't see them very often! Bonny and Madelynn met for the first time at this beach trip!
We spent the evenings gazing at the stars and enjoying the breezes on our deck by the ocean. Oh, you just gotta let the night's salty breeze wash over you!
Sierra also caught this shot of Madelyn trying on her Uncle Brian's slippers. I think it has a real artistic quality to it. If one has to try on an adult's shoe, let it be a beach slipper! It's the life!
Aunt Whitney caught this picture with five of the cousins playing on the hammock together. That hammock provided some happy moments.
And Aunt Bonny caught four of the cousins playing on the top bunk bed. All grins and fun!
Aunt Bonny also shared this picture of Nana enjoying some beach time with Madelyn.
And here Naomi and I are together re-enacting a moment that Naomi and I had together when Naomi was about Madelyn's age! I think Naomi thought it a strange request, but she was quick to oblige her Nana. I love this girl! I need to upload the picture taken then and place it beside this one for full effect.

We had a wonderful time at the beach with our family. I encourage all of you who were present to comment your memories of the week. And feel free to attach pictures!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Mason Break!

This picture is taken on the Hobble Creek trail near our house. When we're on this trail, he often walks without his leash. He enjoys a little off leash time and I like the way he can discover his surroundings, but yet stays close by. Not too many people are on this trail and there's no danger of him running out into the road to chase a vehicle. That's a new hobby of his since we moved here to Springville and one that I wish he hadn't developed. 
 Here he's posing with his new llama toy. One day he was pulling all his toys out of his toy box as if he was looking for a particular toy. Then after all the toys were laying out on the floor, he laid down beside them and looked at me as if to say, "I don't want to play with any of these. I need a new toy!" He enjoys his llama. He's chewed off the string on top and seems to like he crinkle fabric inside it.
 He loves riding in the car. Sometimes he sticks his head out the window to catch all the smells. Sometimes he's in the back and sometimes he chooses the front.
 The day before Michael's arrival this summer, Brian called me and asked to speak with Mason. I explained that he was napping on the couch, but I could take a message. This was the first time anyone had called to speak with Mason! Brian insisted that he needed to speak with him, so I took the phone to Mason and Brian said to a lounging Mason, "Michael is coming soon!" And then Mason rose, got on the back of the chair to look out the window." Where is Michael? Mason understands so much of what's going on around him, and that is his usual response when we tell Michael is coming.
 I go over to check on our neighbor's dog, Petey, sometimes when they're traveling and I typically take Mason with me. This is one of those visits. Petey is always happy to share his dinner with Mason. And though it's dry food, something Mason won't usually touch, he's always happy to eat with Petey.
And here he is taking a little rest--after a day of walks, treats and lounging about. My mother made the pink afghan for my daughters many years ago and they both enjoyed it as toddlers. I'm sure my mom would be delighted to know that we have Mason and the afghan is one of his favorites. She, too, had a little white dog when her children were grown. She'd be glad to know I had one, too.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Emily and Chris's Nashville Wedding

 In April our family gathered to help Emily and Chris celebrate their wedding day. All four of Emily's sibling were present, plus two nieces and nephews. (l to r) Whitney, Michael, Norma, Sierra, Brian, Naomi, Emily, Chris, David, Bonny, Owen. It was a special time for our whole family. We found a VRBO home to rent for everyone to stay in together. Time was short, but we were able to be together much more of the time because of this great house!
 Emily and Chris had hired a band to play after the ceremony. So many of my favorite pictures came from the dance floor and this is one of them.
 The biggest anxiety of the weekend was the weather! The venue was outside, but under a cover. While it did rain, it didn't prove to be a problem. Everyone was able to arrive safely and no one had to get soaked to get there! Because it would rain and then stop, umbrellas were easy to find. I'm so glad the photographer thought to have Chris and Emily use one as a prop for this picture. If I had to choose just one picture of this day, this is the one!
 And here are two more pictures taken on the dance floor. Roland was really "cuttin' up the rug" that night. We'll always treasure these pictures and our time in Nashville celebrating Chris and Emily's wedding day!