It October--After a long, dry summer our grass is dieing. Our lawn service contacted Roland to offer to aerate and reseed our lawn for $600. Roland agreed to have it done after they promjsed to it it after a rain. One day it rained, a couple days later they came to do the job. Now we needed more rain. It never came. After a light rain, we feared the grass was beginning to germinate. So we took on the task of using the sprinkler and moving it around our monsterously large yard. At last, it rained again. But no rain in the forecast for all the next week.
Roland drove me to the airport this morning. He was discouraged about the lawn and said, "Next time, I'll just take the garden rake to work up the soil and reseed the barren sections of the yard myself." I thought we've been taking care of this lawn for about fifteen years! Why hadn't we done this in past years? Finally, I said, "We're never too old to learn about the things we should have already learned."
Roland laughed and replied. "I already learned it. Bob Blackburn aerated and reseeded for us once, and I did it myself once, too. But when the ground is dry and hard, it just doesn't work--but our lawn care service made it sound so good. And I hoped this time it would be different."
Today's commentary:
What was the lesson learned?? I'm really not sure. Maybe its about not caring so much about the lawn. Maybe its that we do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. How can we get out of that rut? Maybe its: If you want a green lawn, get yourself an irrigation system!
But I hope whatever the lesson was, that it is learned. Because soon we'll not have this lawn to fret about. On Thursday we're moving into a condo. The Lord will have to use other experiences to teach us lessons because I'm sticking to my words, "We're never too old to learn about the things we should have already learned."
No more lawn lessons . . . at least that might be a relief. I hope life in the condo is going well, lessons and all.
Good bye old house. Thanks for sharing this about the lawn. I like to think I m doing apretty good job of not caring about ours.
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