Tuesday, December 18, 2012


 On August 27, Roland and I adopted a 1-year-old shih tzu from an animal shelter.  Since I've never owned a dog, I was really nervous about bringing a dog into our lives, but when Roland met Mason, he felt if we were going to have a dog, Mason is the one!  I also brought my friend, Chantal to meet Mason.  Chantal is a vet and she checked him out and helped me bring him home.  She showed me how to bathe him and gave me the confidence that I could care for a dog.  She said, "You've had five kids!  Surely, you can take care of a dog."  

Mason is a real smart, little guy.  He can sit dance, lay and stay on command.  Well, he will if you've got the treats in your hand to give him!  And sometimes he will without the treats.

Isn't he a cutie!  He truly is a well mannered, charming little boy.
This is how Mason looked when we found him at the Shelter.  He was such a timid, little guy.  He must have been so scared.  And as he sits with his paws on my laptop, I can't help but think of the story he might tell, if he could.
He's a real playful little guy.  He loves to go to the dog park and has made lots of friends there--and therefore, so have I.  In fact, there's one dog, Pierre, who is part poodle and part shih tzu who is a special friend.  We make doggy play dates with Pierre and his person at the park.  And we meet all kinds of dogs and people at the dog park.  Its such a pleasurable way to spend an hour or so.
Here's Mason and Pierre playing at the dog park.  You can see how very happy Mason is.  They play chase and wrestle until we have to pull them away from each other to go home.

Mason and I found the pine cones on one of our walks in October, collected them together and saved them to decorate with.  We put them in our trifle bowl and added some greenery and holly.  We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Sharing the Christmas Season with Mason is a lot of fun.  He loves seeing the Christmas decorations and likes to be a part of it all. : )

Norman Rockwell once said, "If a painting isn't turning out as well as I had hoped, adding a dog always makes it a better painting."  I know what he means.  I wasn't prepared to become so attached so quickly.  I really love this little boy and he seems to be pretty attached to us too.  He's improved the quality of our lives immensely. 
As you can see, he feels quite at home with us.  And we're just crazy about him!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Childhood Memories

My granddaughter, Sierra, had a school assignment to learn more about her grandparents and sent me a letter with a list of questions to answer.  What's below is my response to Sierra's questions.  I thought that my other grandchildren, William, Naomi, and eventually Kirsten, Reagan, and Owen may be interested--or have a school assignment to find out more about their grandmother, so I've chosen to make it into a post.  It's kind of long, but it doesn't have to be read in one sitting.  I've also included several pictures that might be interesting.

My kindergarten school picture.

On October 4, 1955 a little girl was born to Russell and Opal Guenther.  She was their eighth child.  They hadn’t decided on a name for their new baby before she was born, but the nurse who was at the baby’s delivery was so kind and good to the mother that she wanted to give this new baby the nurses’ name.  So on a beautiful autumn day in Boone, a small farming community in Iowa, Catherine Lee Guenther (that’s me!) made her entrance into this big, beautiful world.
My childhood home at 607 Jefferson Street, Boone, Iowa.  This picture was taken in 2008--on a trip I took to Boone to visit my mother.
The house I got to come home to as a newborn was a very big house that was built in 1900.  When it was built, it was a mansion.  It had three porches and four entrances into the home.  Inside there was a room that was built to be the home’s library, a window in the wall between the dining and pantry that servants once used to get the food from the kitchen to the dining room and two beautiful staircases which led to the upstairs of the house.  But when my parents bought the house it was in very bad shape, so they spent a lot of time and money fixing it up and making it a place to raise their family.  Even though the house was very big, there were only four bedrooms.  But these bedrooms were huge!  So it was no sacrifice to share a bedroom.  The biggest bedroom was the girl’s room, one bedroom was our parents, and the other two bedrooms were for the boys.   Because there was sixteen years, sixteen days and sixteen hours between my parent’s oldest child and their youngest child (me!), I don’t really have any memories of sharing the bedroom with my three older sisters because I was so young.  But my sisters do!  My father was a long-distance truck driver and my mother had eight children, plus a big house to take care of, so my older sisters have lots of fun memories taking care of me.  They loved to dress me and fix my hair.  In fact, my oldest sister remembers going to a parent/teacher conference for my mother when I was in kindergarten!  
Standing upstairs in my childhood home by the banister.  Isn't the wood work beautiful?

I went to Lincoln Elementary School.  I was always very proud of that name because the school was named after Abraham Lincoln, and I thought he was the greatest president our country ever had.  When I was a little girl, girls had to wear dresses to school.  I remember on cold winter days, we would put long pants on under our dresses, along with our coats, hats, mittens, and boots to walk to school.  Once we got to school, we had to take off our long pants.  We also had to take them off and on for gym classes.  I’m sure glad that girls don’t have to wear dresses to school anymore!  It’s a lot easier to run and play!  

This is me in our school gym.  My p.e. teacher, Mr. Klomps took a picture of me doing the splits and put it on the school bulletin board.  Notice the pants I wore under my dress for p.e.

I liked school a lot.  When I was your age, I loved learning to read and learning to do arithmetic (math).  The main characters in the readers I learned to read from were a little girl and boy.  Their names were Dick and Jane.  Dick and Jane had a dog named Spot.  All the stories that I learned to read in the first grade were about these children and their lives and adventures.  Then when I grew a little older, I especially loved English class and history class.  In Boone, there was a wonderful library.  It was in a building that looked like a building from ancient Greece.  The main library was on the first floor.  On the top floor was an auditorium.  And in the basement was the children’s library.  Mrs. Stevenson was the children’s librarian.  She was the only children’s librarian, so if the library was open, she was there!  I loved Mrs. Stevenson.   I went to library every Saturday and Mrs. Stevenson introduced me to all kinds of wonderful books.  There was a row of books that were biographies about famous Americans that I particularly enjoyed reading.  I especially loved the biographies about Helen Keller and Pocahontas.  

Being the youngest of eight children, I’m sure had fewer chores than any of my siblings.  But I remember being my mother’s helper when she was making big dinners.  When I was your age, I regularly dusted the furniture in the living room and dining room.  And I remember learning how to iron.  One of my chores was to iron my dad’s handkerchiefs.  Another chore was to help with washing the dishes.  I was too short to reach the sink and wash, so I usually dried or carried the dishes from the sink to the cupboards.  (The cupboards weren’t in the kitchen with the sink.  They were in the pantry!)
Our family had a television, but if you saw the television we had when I was your age, you might not recognize it.  It was a small screen cased in a piece of wooden furniture.  There were no remotes.  You changed the channel (there were only three) and the volume with a dial.  Sometimes the picture would “go bad”.  Then there were dials to try to fix that, too.  The family next door bought a color television when they first became available.  But the color was never right.  The people would look green or orange.  Everything was the wrong color and the little dials just couldn’t adjust the color enough to make it look right.  When my parents saw how bad the color was, they decided we wouldn’t get one until technology got better.  TVs have changed a lot since then.
This is my mom and me.  I'm about 12 years old.  My sister, Anna, took this picture with her brand new Polaroid camera.  You can see the television in this picture.  But its not our first tv.  Its our new modern tv.
Every summer for a vacation, our family took a trip to Missouri to visit my dad’s family.  My Grandma Guenther lived on a farm, but because she was older, she didn’t have any animals or do any farming.  Someone else farmed the land.  It was fun to visit her.  She always made a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes.  And her home was filled with little figurines she had collected.  In fact, in the basement she had shelves and shelves of them.  She would always let my older sisters choose a figurine to take home with them.  She didn’t let me have one because she said I was too little and would break it.  But when I was about your age, I convinced her to let me have two little figurines, a Dutch boy and girl.  She was worried that I would accidentally break them, but gave them to me anyway.  I had them for several months before I accidentally broke one of them when I was playing with it.  It was hard for me to leave them sitting on the table!

While in Missouri, we also visited my Aunt Birdie who lived in a lake house on the Lake of the Ozarks.  She and her husband had a speed boat.  They had only one child, and she was already grown, so my aunt and uncle spent lots of time entertaining us when we came.  They had a board they would pull behind the boat that I could ride on, and then when I was about eight, I learned to water ski, like my older brothers and sisters. 
Dancing has always been my favorite hobby.  One of my older sisters, Anna, took dance lessons and was a beautiful dancer and I wanted to do it, too.  So when I was four years old, I started dance lessons.  At first, I just learned ballet.  Later, I took tap, jazz, and baton twirling classes.  My dance teacher went to Hawaii every summer, so I also got to learn to hula and other ethnic dances of the South Pacific Islands.  Dancing is a hobby I still love.   It’s helped to keep me active and in shape my whole life.  And it’s so much fun!

My first hula dance.  My hula skirt was bright pink!

I had one pet growing up.  My sister gave it to me.  She had grown up, moved out and gotten a cute orange kitten.  Because my sister was moving again, she couldn’t keep the cat and gave it to me.  The cat’s name was Suzy and she was so sweet, soft and cuddly.  However, she had one flaw that my mother couldn’t tolerate.  She wouldn’t always use the litter box.  Sometimes she would use our shoes!  After a month of this and lots of ruined shoes, my mother said the cat had to go be a farm cat.  So one day, before my dance class, she and I took Suzy to the farm.  I was so sad and I cried.  My mom never really wanted any pets.  And since moms end up cleaning all the real messes and my mom had eight children, I can understand.

When I was a child, I got to play outdoors a lot.  There were lots of children in our neighborhood.  Some of my favorite things to do outside included riding bikes and playing jacks, hopscotch, jump rope, hula hoop or freeze tag.  There was a park and playground “kiddie corner” from our house.  I spent lots of time playing there with my friends.  On our property was a traffic sign that said “Caution, children at play”.  For the longest time I thought it was for the eight kids in our family.  But it was for the park!  One game that you might not know about is Chinese jump rope.  You have to have three people to play it.  The jump rope is a huge circular piece of elastic.  Two people stretch the elastic out by having it around their ankles and they stand four or five feet apart from each other.  And the third person gets to jump between the pieces of elastic and catch the elastic on her feet and do tricks with the elastic.  Some of the tricks were pretty hard, but it was lot of fun.

The foods I ate growing up aren’t too different from the foods you eat now.  But my favorite foods were, and still are breakfast foods.  As a little girl, I loved eggs.  I especially loved scrambled eggs, and then my older sister taught me to like eggs prepared sunny side up by showing me how to dip buttered toast in the yolk.  Another food I loved was rice.  But we only ate it for dessert.  We would put sugar, cinnamon, and milk over hot rice.  I loved it!

My sister, Anna, gave me this Chatty Cathy ornament my Christmas in 2010.  The doll I received as a Christmas gift as a girl looked just like her except her dress was pink and white striped and she wore a white pinafore.  Wasn't it thoughtful of my sister to give this ornament to me?

As most children, my favorite holiday was Christmas.  Some of my older brothers and sisters were living on their own by the time I was your age and it was wonderful to have them come home to be with us.  We always had chili and oyster stew on Christmas Eve and plenty of cakes, pies and candies to enjoy!  One of my favorite Christmas gifts as a child was the Chatty Cathy doll I got from my parents.  She had a string on the back of her neck and when the string was pulled, the doll would say different phrases such as, “I love you.”   One of my earliest memories at the Baptist Church, where I went as a child, was receiving a wrapped Christmas gift from my Sunday School teacher.  She gave us all a turn to guess what was inside.  I remember guessing that it was a cookie.  Then we all opened our gifts together.  Inside was a wooden plaque with a picture of the Savior, Jesus Christ.  Our teacher explained that Jesus gave his life to us that we could all live forever and ever.  I think I still may have it packed away in a box.

I’m so grateful for the wonderful childhood I was blessed to have.  I’m also grateful that you are my granddaughter and I look forward to the times that we get to be together and make happy memories that you might remember throughout your life.  It would be wonderful to live closer to you, but I know that you are surrounded by those who love you.

When I was a little girl and found out that my parents named me after the nurse that was at my delivery, I was kind of disappointed.  I wished that I would have been named after Catherine, the Great who was one of the early rulers in Russia.  And sometimes I would daydream about being named after her instead!  But as I’ve grown older I’ve learned to appreciate the woman they named me after and realize that it’s a good name to live up to.  I try to be like the kind, caring nurse who helped deliver me.  I can see that our relationships with the people in our family, friends and neighbors are the most valuable things we have.  I look back fondly on the memories I have of those who showed love and kindness to me and it motivates me to be a kinder and more loving person.  I hope that you, too, will look for ways opportunities to show love and kindness to those in your life.  Even small kindnesses, like smiling at someone who looks sad, or sharing a treat or toy, or doing something for someone else without being asked will have an influence and power in the lives of others and your life, too.

Friday, July 6, 2012

A Get Away to Flat Rock, North Carolina

Roland and I took off for a three days to enjoy a little nature.  We chose Flat Rock because of some pictures I saw posted by a friend on Facebook--and its just two and a half hours away.  We stayed at the Highland Lake Inn, which is a delightful, secluded place on a lake.  There we were able to enjoy canoeing on the lake on the property and some great food at their renowned restaurant, The Seasons.  Southern Living Magazine has sung its praises, and we had our humble voices to that praise!  We arrived on Monday, July 2 and stayed on the property of twenty-four acres the first day.  Then Day Two we headed over to Dupont State Forest, the filming location of The Hunger Games.  It was lots of fun hiking there, enjoying the numerous waterfalls, and imagining which locations were used in the film!  We also took a hike to Lake Julia and while there and Roland took a dip in that beautiful, secluded lake.  Then the sky got dark and the lightening and thunder began.  We started a rapid hike for our car, but the storm seemed to be passing us by.  Then, all of a sudden, the rain came pelting down.  Fortunately, we reached a shelter just in time and joined in with lots of hikers.  We were on the fringe of the shelter, so the wind blew the rain in on us and we still got wet.  Yet, it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  The came the hail!!  Wow, how appropriate that it should happen while we're hiking in Hunger Game territory!  When the hail stopped and the rain let up a bit, we took off for our car.  A good hike in the rain is always refreshing.   After cleaning up at our cabin, we took off to see Carl Sandburg's home.  Carl Sandburg is a great American poet, journalist, and advocate for the American laborer in the 40s.  When he passed away, his wife sold the property, home and belongs to the National Park Service.  We had a great tour guide who helped us get to know this unique couple.  That night we ate a little place in Hendersonville--the Tractor Barn(?).  It had real, fine home style cookin'.  And we were hungry and it was delish!  On Day 3, we headed over to see Table Rock.  The temperatures were sizzlin' and granite gets hot, but we can check it off of our list of things we want to see in North Carolina.  The Park Service Staff there was wonderful and encouraging in our efforts to beat the heat.

It was a great get away.  We're a little tanner now.  The only injury was a blister on Roland's big toe.  And we have a few pictures to add to our collection. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kirsten and Whitney's Post Christmas Visit

While we were celebrating Christmas in Knoxville, Whitney and Matt were celebrating in Atlanta with Matt's dad and family.  After Christmas, we took David and Bonny to the airport in Chattanooga and met the Ehle's there, too!  We got to bring Kirsten and Whitney up to K-town to spend some time with us--actually a little over a week.  It was fun to get reacquainted with Kirsten and see how quickly she was learning and growing.  She does so many wonderful new and exciting things each day!  Below are pics.

Christmas 2012

We had a great Tennessee Christmas this year. We enjoyed several activities including a local safari, a trip to Cades Cove, Christmas Caroling and our traditional Christmas Eve Program. Present and accounted for were Emily and Jason, driving in from Manchester; Michael, our resident child; David, Bonny, Naomi and Owen from Fargo, North Dakota; and our favorite special guests, Jen and Ethan!

Naomi and llama on safari!

Bonny and a slobbery cow! : )